forest hill united church

an intercultural Christian community


2 Wembley Road, Toronto           one block north of Eglinton at Bathurst Street

Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00 am

and online Tuesday - Thursday at 6:00 pm

letter 2794672 640

Scheduled Email Outage April 22-23

If you need to reach us:
Church Admin    Amanda Wallace-Gallant: 416 783-0879   
Minister    Rev. Stephen Fetter:  416 737-8258



July 23, 2017

Stories of Promise:
Rachel and Leah

Genesis 29:15-28





Once again we had computer problems this Sunday. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience

Here's an audio recording of the service, made on Rev. Steve's phone:

Here's a copy of the PowerPoint slides, so you can follow along while you listen, if you find that helpful:

Service Slides for July 23, 2017

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