Thanks for Supporting our "Little Free Pantry"
Our Little Pantry is emptied and refilled almost every day of the year. Drop by and check it out!
Most people think of Forest Hill as a neighbourhood of leafy trees, detached homes and people earning high incomes. What many people do not realize is that Forest Hill is also home to people on fixed incomes, immigrants and people who do not earn high salaries. These people may live in a home on a leafy street, an apartment building or in Toronto Community Housing. A characteristic they all share is the fact inflation is creating financial stress in their lives and may be contributing to food insecurity.
Church School Sundays at 11am
September - June
In-person Church School is offered September - June. Please bring your kids with you to church at 11am. They'll go out with Ann Fraser, a certified Early Childhood Educator, about 10 minutes after the beginning of the Worship Service.
Over the summer months we take a break from church school programming, but we continue to offer basic child care with a certified Early Childhood Educator.

Sunday Volunteer Roster
Date |
Special Considerations |
Reader |
Video Tech |
Greeter |
Coffee/Tea |
Lawn Maintenance |
Lunch after worship |
Mar. 2 | Emma | Phyllis | Merlin | ||||
Mar. 9 | Lorie | Chris | Chris | ||||
Mar. 16 | Alyssa | Phyllis | Martha | ||||
Mar. 23 | Alexander | Morgan | Bob M | ||||
Mar. 30 | Lorie | Chris | Sara J | ||||
Apr. 6 | Morgan | Phyllis | Linda K | ||||
Apr. 13 | Alexander | Morgan | Esther | ||||
Apr 18 |
Good Friday service | Merlin | |||||
Apr. 20 | Lorie | Phyllis | Sara J | ||||
Apr. 27 | Sara | Morgan | Linda K |
In Memoriam
Michael Fraser
It's with great sadness that we mark the passing of Michael Fraser, who died on Saturday July 2, 2022.
Michael grew up in Montreal. When he moved to Toronto, he worked at the Metropolitan United Church, where Rev. Steve was minister in the 1990's. Shortly after Rev. Steve came to Forest Hill, Michael moved into this neighbourhood and sought him out. He volunteered to clean our Sanctuary. For him it was a spiritual exercise; for us it was the beginning of an 18 year relationship with this church -- its building and its people. It was during his time at Forest Hill that Michael met Ann, the love of his life, and they were married in our Sanctuary. The picture in this announcement was taken on their wedding day.
The Board has passed a variety of policies for the information of members and building users. Please use the menu above to chose the one that you need.
Note that some of the links in the menu are to policies of our denomination, The United Church of Canada, and pertain to activies and personnel within the whole church, and not simply within our own congregation. These can be identified because they will be links to the denominational website.
COVID Policies for Small Groups and Events at Forest Hill United Church
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, provincial, and local governments and Public Health agencies require both the physical distancing and the wearing of masks by attendees. Restrictions have also been implemented limiting the allowed capacity of this building. The maximum number of people permitted in Friendship Hall is 40 including volunteers and staff [current provincial restrictions limit attendance to 30% of building capacity].
Toronto Public Health and the City of Toronto require:
- No one shall enter the building if they show any symptoms of COVID-19. Notices have been placed at all the doors, and event organizers shall draw the attention of their participants to these notices when they come in.
- Everyone is required to wear a face mask or covering while inside the building, unless they are exempt under the terms of the Toronto Mask Bylaw 541-2020. The Toronto Mask Bylaw specifically says that a plastic face shield is not sufficient. Notices about this have also been posted at each entrance
- Event participants should practice physical distancing at all times.
- Event organizers should keep contact information about each person who attends their event, and submit these lists to the Church Office for safe keeping. The information will be kept for 30 days, and then destroyed; it will only be used for contact tracing if requested by an authorized Public Health representative. Participants have the right to opt out of this.
All attendees and staff must complete a COVID-19 Self-Assessment. Please note that all must sign the liability waiver (template below) before attending the on-site gathering. The following are strongly advised to refrain from attending an on-site gathering:
- 70 years and older
- Pregnant women
- Those with existing health risk conditions
- Those who have had close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.
Event activities
- All high-traffic areas and any frequently touched surfaces/implements must be cleaned and disinfected before and following the event by those renting the space.
- Entrance doors must remain open when attendees are arriving. If this is not possible, it must be staffed by one volunteer only.
- Control traffic at the entrance to maintain physical distance. Same-household families may be together if maintaining 2-metre distance on all sides from others
- Provide hand sanitizer for people to use upon entry.
- Strictly avoid handshakes or any physical contact. Attendees must maintain physical distancing at all times including when socializing.
- Attendees must self-sanitize any touched surfaces in washrooms before and after use.
- No distribution of food or beverages is permitted unless it is pre-packaged in individual containers/Ziploc bags. Attendees may bring their own food and drinks but must remove any waste with them when they depart.
- DO NOT play games involving attendees moving out of physical positions.
Event organizers acknowledge that if their participants do not follow the Toronto Public Health regulations, Forest Hill United Church may be punished or closed. For this reason, the church will always have an appointed representative on site during events; event organizers agree to follow this person’s directions immediately, and to ask any of their participants to leave if they’re unwilling to comply.
*** If anyone shows symptoms of COVID-19, ask them to leave immediately and inform the church administrator. Be prepared to provide full contact information for all attendees.***
COVID Cleaning Charge
Unfortunately the pandemic has significantly increased the amount of time it takes to prepare the church for our guests, or to clean it after their events are over. For this reason the Board has determined that every event organizer shall pay an additional $10 per event, in addition to the normal rental fees, to cover the cost of this additional work. This extra fee helps to keep your guests safe, and the next ones as well. We all look forward to the time when this requirement will no longer be necessary!
Instructions: please print a copy of this waiver and have every guest sign it before entering the building. If you are organizing an event that meets more than once, guests need only sign once a month, but they should self-screen every time they enter the building. Please remit copies of the signed waivers to the Church Office; for one-time events they can be given to the church's appointed representative on duty during your event.
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that Public Health has established guidelines on physical distancing and hygiene practices.
I further acknowledge that (Name of Group) has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending the on-site gathering of (Name of Group).
I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, (Name of Group) staff, volunteers, and other attendees and their families.
I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my or our child(ren)’s attendance and participation in the (Name of Group)’s on-site gathering.
I attest that:
- I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain,headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
- I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
- I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within Canada in the last 14 days.
- I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/orconfirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
- I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19.
- I am following all Public Health recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I hereby release and agree to hold (Name of Group) and Forest Hill United Church harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the church, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from (Name of Group).
I understand that this release discharges (Name of Group) and Forest Hill United Church from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the group and/or church with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from (Name of Group).
This liability waiver and release extends to (Name of Group) and the church together with all board members, volunteers, members, and employees.
________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mandatory Use of Mask or Face Covering within Forest Hill United Church
Beginning July 7, 2020, all staff, visitors and customers are required to wear a mask or face covering upon entering and remaining within Forest Hill United Church. The mask or face covering must cover the nose, mouth and chin.
Temporary removal of the mask is permitted where necessary for the purposes of receiving services, or while actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity.
The following persons are exempted from requiring a mask or face covering and will not be required to provide proof of such exemption:
- Children under two years of age.
- Persons with an underlying medical condition which inhibits their ability to wear a mask or face covering.
- Persons who are unable to place, remove, or use a mask or face covering without assistance.
- Employees and operators of the Establishment, in a designed area not for public access, or within or behind a physical barrier.
- Persons who are reasonably accommodated by not wearing a mask or face covering under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Train staff on the policy including how to respond if various circumstances:
- customer arrived without a mask because they forgot or don't have one
- customer who is exempt from wearing a mask
- customer wanting more information about the policy and bylaw
- customer who becomes aggressive about the new requirement
- customer wanting information about the importance of wearing a mask or the science on the use of masks
- customer asking about the availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizer (70-90% alcohol concentration)
- customer who wants to know if they can be fined.
This policy has been created in compliance with the City of Toronto By-Law 541-2020.
Thank you for your support of our ministries!
Designate your Funds
We offer these funds to which you can contribute online:
- Local Church Expenses -- please use this for payments to the church, and for donations or payments for local purposes
- Mission and Service Fund -- this is the national fund of the United Church of Canada. Donations received here will be forwarded to the General Council Office.
- Capital Investment Fund -- gifts given to this fund will be used to help improve the church building.
- Memorial Fund -- frequently people are interested in giving money in honour of someone who has died. Monies donated for this purpose are used to make lasting changes to the property or fabric of the church, or to support training for our lay volunteers.
- "White Gifts" -- every year at Christmas we collect monies for the Toronto Urban Native Ministry. We will send 100% of the "White Gifts" we receive to this ministry.
- "Little Pantry" -- the church stocks a "little pantry" at the corner of Bathurst Street and Wembley Road, to provide free food to anyone who feels comfortable taking it. The pantry is stocked daily by our volunteers; when they stock it, they normally find that it has been emptied by our neighbours, so we know it's being well used.
Charitable donations over $20 will receive a Canadian charitable tax receipt. Normally these are issued in February. If you require a tax receipt, please ensure that we have your name and address on file. If you donate by PayPal, their system will invite you to provide your name and address for this purpose.
Donations by Interac Email Transfer
If you'd like to send us a donation by Interac email transfer, please go to your online banking site and follow their instructions for this. You can send your donation to
Donations by Credit Card
If you'd like to send us money by credit card, you're welcome to use this "Donate" button. When you click it, you'll be taken to the PayPal website, where your donation will be processed there. Please note that the Forest Hill United Church website never sees any of your personal or financial information; this is all kept at the secure servers at PayPal itself.
You do not need a PayPal account to use this service.
Donations by Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR)
Many of our donors give money by "pre-authorized remittance" (PAR), so that their donations come to the church even when they can't be there in person. PAR donations are debited from your bank account or credit card on the 20th of each month. You can designate how much your donation you want used for "Local", "Mission & Service", and "Grateful and Loving It Campaign," and you can change this at any time with a phone call to our Church Office 416 783-0879. Click HERE to download the application form. Either mail back to the Church Office (2 Wembley Road, Toronto ON M6C 2E9), or take a picture of it with your phone and email it to us at
Click HERE for a brochure that describes this program in more detail
Donations through Canada Helps
Canada Helps is a Canadian registered charity which will receive online donations for any other registered charity in Canada. You can use credit or debit cards or PayPal, and they will forward your donation directly to our bank account (subject to a 4% fee). Choose this option if:
- you'd like to receive your charitable tax receipt immediately, rather than next February
- you'd like to donate securities
- you'd like to make a regular monthly donation, but you need the withdrawals to happen on a specific day of the month. (please choose PAR if withdrawals on the 20th of the month works for your budget)
Accessibility Policy
Our Commitment
In fulfilling our mission, Forest Hill United Church strives at all times to provide its programs, goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our programs, goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place, and in a similar way as other participants.
Customer Service Standards
This policy contains statements that meet the requirements of the Customer Service Standard and other items that are good practices. This policy will be revised as other standards are introduced under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. CLICK HERE to read a full copy of the policy.
Accessibility Aids Currently Available
- handicapped parking
- handicapped washroom (main floor only)
- pew with extra room for walkers and wheelchairs
- screens in worship
- large print bulletins on request
Accessibility Issues with the Building
Sadly when this building was built in 1940 no one was thinking about how to help people who have difficulty with stairs enter the building. They built the building right into a hill, and it's currently impossible to get in or out without negotiating stairs.
In 2014 the congregation entered a capital fundraising program to initiate a 3-phase project to address the physical limitations of the building.
- Phase One: In 2015 stairs from the parking lot to the lawns were replaced with an accessibility ramp, and a parking spot was designated for those with handicapped permits.
- Phase Two: In the summer of 2017 the basement bathrooms are being rennovated so that there will be an accessible washroom on that floor in addition to the accessible washroom on the main floor. We expect this phase will be complete in the Fall of 2017.
- Phase Three: We have now received zoning approval from the City of Toronto for our plans to install an elevator to permit full access to both floors of the building. The current fundraising campaign will not supply sufficient means to pay for this project yet, but we are applying to a variety of philanthropic foundations to seek their assistance in this important project. We hope this will be complete within another year or two.
If you have questions or concerns about accessibility at our church, please email us:
Space Available
Bathurst Street & Eglinton Avenue
Fill out our Room Booking Request form
Church Parlour
- 2 adjoining rooms
- comfortable furniture
- Seating capacity: 35
- adjoining kitchen
Perfect for small meetings, support groups, craft groups & small exercise classes
day-times & evenings available
single use and weekly time-slots
Friendship Hall
- Large auditorium
- hardwood floor
- capacity: 100 persons
- tables & chairs available
- adjoining kitchen
Perfect for dance classes, exercise groups, receptions, and larger meetings
day-times & evenings available
single use and weekly time-slots