forest hill united church

an intercultural Christian community


2 Wembley Road, Toronto           one block north of Eglinton at Bathurst Street

Worship this Week 23, 2025
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany


“Finding Strength”

Luke 6:27-38

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IMG 1718 editedThanks for Supporting our "Little Free Pantry"


Our Little Pantry is emptied and refilled almost every day of the year. Drop by and check it out!

Most people think of Forest Hill as a neighbourhood of leafy trees, detached homes and people earning high incomes. What many people do not realize is that Forest Hill is also home to people on fixed incomes, immigrants and people who do not earn high salaries. These people may live in a home on a leafy street, an apartment building or in Toronto Community Housing. A characteristic they all share is the fact inflation is creating financial stress in their lives and may be contributing to food insecurity.


Forest Hill United Church is a multi-cultural church which draws people across the spectrum. We understand the pressures which too many people in our neighbourhood face. Our Church building is too small to house a food bank. For many years we have supported local food banks by way of donations; however, we wanted to provide more tangible help those who are facing food insecurity in our local community.

IMG 1717 editedAs part of FHUC community outreach we erected and stocked a “little free pantry”. This link explains the concept The intention is to provide basic foodstuffs for people to take home and use to prepare a meal or to supplement a meal. Members of Forest Hill United refill the pantry on a regular basis. To prevent raccoons or other pests from being attracted to the pantry we only stock canned items and packaged dry goods.

The pantry is set up beside the stairs near the corner of Bathurst and Wembley Streets. If you wish to donate items to the pantry, feel free to do so by placing the items in the pantry. If you would like to make a financial donation, it can be made on the Church’s website with a note the donation is for the little pantry. The funds will be used solely to purchase items for the pantry.

If you have any questions regarding the little pantry or want to give us feedback, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can post to our Facebook page